09 638 4242 • 321 Manukau Road, Epsom

Clinic 42 is unique in that ours is a high-performance work team.

Our doctors are well known, but we would like to proudly introduce you to our amazing nursing team who function and perform at the highest level.

Practioners often approach the clinic looking for positions. Over the 25 years it has been running, it has gained a well-deserved reputation for offering a team atmosphere where goal-focused nurses can build on their cosmetic injecting skills alongside – and develop specialised expertise from – the doctor-led team.

The skills available at both doctors and nurses mean that patients are offered an unparalleled level of expertise and technical skills that is beyond most practices in the country.

Unfortunately, the old adage of use it or lose it is also true, which is another reason Clinic 42 is so uniquely fortunate. At Clinic 42, we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to the range of patients we see in any given month.

While some of the nurses our doctors meet when working as national trainers may end up having to brush up a year or two later on skills they have learned through workshops, having been unable to put their learning into practice as the type of patients they see, or the type of treatments requested, are limited.

As da Vinci once said, “Poor is the student who does not surpass his teacher” and who better to trust with your patients than a practitioner you have trained yourself and who shares the same ethos and aesthetic? After all there are only so many hours in the day and that you cannot treat all your patients all at once!


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