09 638 4242 • 321 Manukau Road, Epsom



A mole removed by Surgitron

A mole removed this way will leave a flat area that must be kept moist or covered to help prevent scarring.

  • After the procedure, you need to keep a layer of barrier ointment eg Vaseline, or a dressing on the wound. You will be advised how long to do this for by your treating practitioner.
  • It is normal to get a small amount of ooze from the wound in the first 12-24 hours after treatment. If it appears to be actively bleeding, hold pressure over the wound for 5 minutes.
  • Keep the wound dry for the first 24 hours after treatment, then clean with warm water whilst bathing. Avoid any soaps or cleansing products on the wound for the first 5 days.
  • Avoid any vigorous physical activity for 48 hours after treatment.
  • Micropore tape is recommended to be kept on the wound. This will protect the wound from sunlight, infection and promote healing. It can be bought in a discreet flesh colour from your local pharmacy.

 A mole removed by excision (Scalpel) 

 Keep the area dry for the first 48 hours after sutures have been placed, then you can gently wash with warm water whilst bathing. Avoid soaps or cleansing products on the wound for the first 5 days.

  • It is normal to get a small amount of ooze from the wound in the first 12-24 hours after treatment. If it appears to be actively bleeding, hold pressure over the wound for 5 minutes.
  • If steri-strips/dressing tape are applied, try not to remove these for as long as possible. You may trim the edges that curl up. Keep the site clean and moisturised once steri-strips are no longer needed.
  • We will make arrangements with you for suture removal.
  • Avoid any vigorous physical activity until after the sutures have been removed.
  • Micropore tape is recommended to be kept on the wound for as long as possible to minimise scarring. This will protect the wound from sunlight, infection and promote healing. It can be bought in a discreet flesh colour from your local pharmacy.

We hope you will be delighted with the outcome of your treatment. If for any reason you are concerned or have any questions, please call the clinic (09) 638 4242

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