09 638 4242 • 321 Manukau Road, Epsom

During the last several years, a slow-burning revolt has emerged, challenging the unrealistic and exaggerated beauty standards relentlessly promoted by celebrities and their social media. The trend has seen followers morph into facsimiles of their favourite stars using extreme volumes of injectables. Finally, a return to achievable, natural beauty is back in, and fixed, expressionless faces are out!

The doctors at Clinic 42 have always preferred subtle, beautifying micro-treatments that enhance natural features and they believe tweakments are the antidote to an appearance medicine world, gone mad.

‘Tweakment’ was coined by marrying the idea of a tweak and a treatment and is a great starting point for the ‘injectable-curious’ or for those wanting to treat or improve one specific area of concern. With thoughtful assessment and strategically placed injectables applied with a skilled hand, you can achieve profound results without a full-face transformation – and still look like you!…

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