09 638 4242 • 321 Manukau Road, Epsom

Get to know the staff at Clinic 42 and what makes them so passionate about the work they do.

Dr Ellen Selkon

Where did you grow up?
I was born and brought up in Cape Town. My dad was from England and so we moved and lived there for four years but came back to South Africa, which was home.

I went to medical school at Stellenbosch in the Cape. It was an Afrikaans university, so I quickly had to learn the language for all of the lectures! Day one was a nightmare.

As a doctor, I’ve lived and worked in the UK and South Africa prior to emigrating to NZ in 1997.

What made you want to become a doctor?

I wanted to be a doctor from a young age. I was fascinated by how the body worked and how it healed. I was the kid who always bandaged her dolls and helped the neighbourhood kids with their cuts and scrapes.

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