09 638 4242 • 321 Manukau Road, Epsom

Fullness under the chin, or a double chin, is a common concern for many men and women, usually caused by ageing, genetics, or weight gain.

BELKYRA® (deoxycholic acid), when injected below the chin, reduces fat, resulting in a more contoured neck and enhancing the overall profile and jawline.

Is this treatment right for me ?

The ideal candidate will have minimal excess skin around the neck and chin area. The first step is a pre-procedure consultation with one of our doctors to assess suitability for the treatment and discuss possible outcomes and risks.

How many treatments are needed ?

Many people will see visible improvements in the appearance of their chin profile after 2-4 treatments. Sessions are usually about eight weeks apart and a maximum of six treatments can be given. Fat dissolving takes time, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it’s important to understand that it’s not a one-off treatment. But once desired results are achieved, re-treatment is not expected as results are maintained long-term…

To read the full article in Verve follow the link below

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